Our Blog

When you have a website, the work never ends - new design trends emerge, and features are added. In short, there is always something to change and improve. No prominent business website remains the same for too long, at least

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Do you remember the time when every single element of a new website had to be separately coded? Do you recall how the process of building a static site could take weeks, months even? Yeah, me neither. The introduction of

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Nowadays, physical retail continues to shrink, and customers turn to various online channels for product information. These include catalogs, social media, apps, websites, or marketplaces. Managing product data on all these channels is challenging, yet many companies do not implement

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Web push notifications - to use or not to use them, that is the question. Although sometimes criticized, web push messaging is still favored by many marketers due to its cross-device applicability, high delivery rate, and resistance to ad blockers.

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Incorporating dynamic content on the website has long become a staple for business owners, big and small. The reason is apparent - no one wants their website to look like an outdated museum exhibition with no real incentive for wanting

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Social media are a massive part of our everyday life and are becoming more popular every day. Between 2021 and 2022, the number of users grew by 10% and now amounts to 4.62 billion. That's more than half the world's

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One of the main reasons we love WordPress so much is its flexibility. Thanks to its open structure and ongoing support from a massive global community, WordPress has long become more than just a CMS and a site-builder. With thousands

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Get ready for Google Analytics 4! The new tool designed to track users' behavior was introduced in 2020 and is here to stay. On July 1, 2023, we will say "Goodbye" to the good, old Universal Analytics that we all

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The enormous popularity of WordPress comes with a cost – the more websites use it, the more cybercriminals are tempted to exploit any vulnerability they can find for their malicious gains. WordPress can be a very secure platform with the

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Congratulations! You created a website for your business. You probably chose English as the default language, right? You have a high chance of success with the right content and optimization. But it could be even higher if you build a

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Mobile devices now carry over half of global Internet traffic, and the trend is still rising. As a result, companies constantly adopt new technologies to keep pace with the mobile revolution, and to make the user experience as smooth and

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Design matters! It's a simple truth that you have to keep in mind when establishing your online business presence. Whether you're building a new website or revamping the existing one, you have some decisions to make, the most important being

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